Hebrew Baby Girl Names
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250+ Most Beautiful Hebrew Girl Names

If you’re searching for the perfect Hebrew baby girl name, you’re in the right place!

What’s really cool about Hebrew names is that they not only sound gorgeous but also have deep cultural and historical significance, which makes them extra special.

Whether you’re after something classic and elegant or a modern and unique vibe, I’ve got a list that covers it all.

I’ve put together a bunch of awesome Hebrew girl names that range from sweet and cute to bold and strong.

When I started looking into Hebrew girl names, I was amazed at how many of them have cool histories and are super popular all over the globe.

These names aren’t just pretty—they feel like old friends that you can never get tired of.

Whether you want something classic or a name that everyone already loves, popular Hebrew girl names always have this warm, lasting charm.

  1. Jael – (Hebrew) Mountain goat
  2. Emmet – (English, Hebrew) Universal, Truth
  3. Aliyah – (Hebrew) Heavens, Highborn, Exalted
  4. Liya – (Hebrew) I am with God
  5. Elisha – (Hebrew) God is my salvation
  6. Elia – (Italian, Hebrew) Jehovah is God
  7. Aria – (Italian, Hebrew) Air, Melody or Lion
  8. Jenny – (Hebrew) White spirit, God is gracious
  9. Tamara – (Hebrew) Date palm tree
  10. Anne – (French, English, Hebrew) Grace
  11. Isabelle – (French) Pledged to God
  12. Alisa – (Hebrew) Great happiness
  13. Raelynn – (Hebrew) Ewe, Beam of light, Stream
  14. Lea – (Hebrew) Meadow, Weary, Delicate
  15. Jessie – (Hebrew) To behold, The Lord exists, Gift
  16. Joelle – (Hebrew) The Lord is God
  17. Lia – (Hebrew, Italian) Weary
  18. Leia – (Spanish, Hindi) The law, Lion
  19. Deborah – (Hebrew) Bee
  20. Rebecca – (Hebrew) To tie, bind

Classic Hebrew Girl Names

Classic Hebrew girl names have this awesome charm about them. They’ve been around forever and really hold their ground.

If you’re on the hunt for a name that gives your daughter a cool connection to a rich legacy, classic Hebrew names are definitely the way to go!

  1. Lizzy – (Hebrew) God is my oath
  2. Hannah – (Hebrew) Grace
  3. Bluma – (Yiddish) Flower
  4. Sharon – (Hebrew) A plain
  5. Keziah – (Hebrew) Cassia tree
  6. Madeline – (English) High tower, Woman from Magdala
  7. Aviva – (Hebrew) Springlike, Fresh, Dewy
  8. Susannah – (Hebrew) Lily
  9. Reba – (Hebrew) Fourth born
  10. Dinah – (Hebrew) God will judge
  11. Jessica – (Hebrew) To behold, Foresight
  12. Keturah – (Hebrew) Incense
  13. Debra – (Hebrew) Bee
  14. Leah – (Hebrew) Weary
  15. Havilah – (Hebrew) Stretch of sand
  16. Tamar – (Hebrew) Date palm tree
  17. Magdalene – (Hebrew) Woman from Magdala, High tower
  18. Rachel – (Hebrew) Ewe
  19. Yael – (Hebrew) Ibex
  20. Akiva – (Hebrew) To protect, Shelter

Cute Hebrew Girl Names

Check out these short, sweet, and super charming Hebrew girl names.

They’re easy to say and have a fun, playful feel that’s perfect for a little girl.

If you want a name that’s both meaningful and totally lovable, you’ve got to check out this list!

  1. Ruthie – (Hebrew) Compassionate friend
  2. Josie – (English) Jehovah increases
  3. Betsy – (Hebrew) Pledged to God
  4. Busy – (English) Pledged to God, Diminutive of Elizabeth
  5. Joanie – (English) God is gracious
  6. Shay – (Irish, Hebrew) Stately, Gift
  7. Lizzie – (Hebrew) Pledged to God
  8. Jolene – (Hebrew) God is gracious
  9. Marnie – (English) Of the sea
  10. Izzy – (Hebrew) Gift of (goddess) Isis, My God is an oath
  11. Naomi – (Hebrew) Pleasantness
  12. Eli – (Hebrew) Ascended, Uplifted, High
  13. Toby – (Hebrew) God is good
  14. Jamie – (Hebrew) Supplanter
  15. Sammy – (Hebrew) God has heard
  16. Joey – (Hebrew) God will increase
  17. Moriah – (Hebrew) The Lord is my teacher
  18. Zibby – (Hebrew) Pledged to God, Nickname for Elizabeth
  19. Micah – (Hebrew) Who is like the Lord
  20. Susie – (Hebrew) Lily

Beautiful Hebrew Girl Names

Names like Adina and Talia just have this natural beauty that feels kind of poetic, right?

They sound lovely and come with some pretty awesome meanings that make them even cooler.

See also  Rare & Unique Boy Names Starting With A

If you’re on the hunt for a name that’s as beautiful in meaning as it is in sound, this list is sure to spark some inspiration!

Beautiful Hebrew Girl Names
  1. Noemi – (Italian, Spanish, Hebrew) Pleasantness
  2. Adara – (Arabic, Hebrew) Virgin, Noble, Exalted
  3. Raya – (Hebrew) Friend
  4. Noam – (Hebrew) Pleasantness, Charm, Tenderness
  5. Evie – (Hebrew) Life
  6. Rei – (Japanese) Bell or beautiful
  7. Brielle – (French) Hunting grounds
  8. Samaria – (Hebrew) Watch tower
  9. Doveva – (Hebrew) Graceful
  10. Talia – (Hebrew, Australian) Gentle dew from heaven, By the water
  11. Sapphira – (Greek, Hebrew) Sapphire
  12. Ann – (English, Hebrew) Grace
  13. Janie – (English) God is gracious
  14. Bethea – (Hebrew) Daughter of Jehovah
  15. Leora – (Hebrew, Greek) Light
  16. Danny – (Hebrew) God is my judge
  17. Armoni – (Hebrew) Chestnut

Cool Hebrew Girl Names

If you’re looking for spiritual names that totally nail the cool factor, these Hebrew girl names are where it’s at!

  1. Mariah – (Hebrew) The Lord is my teacher, Drop of the sea, Bitter, or Beloved
  2. Zariza – (Hebrew) Gold, Brilliantly bright
  3. Emmett – (English, Hebrew) Truth, Universal
  4. Zariah – (Arabic, Hebrew, Russian) Flower, God has helped, Dawn
  5. Tamari – (Georgian, Hebrew) Date palm tree
  6. Zarah – (Hebrew) Princess, Radiance
  7. Israel – (Hebrew) He who struggles with God
  8. Elon – (Hebrew) Oak tree
  9. Chana – (Hebrew) Grace
  10. Abilene – (English, Hebrew) Grass
  11. Bathsheba – (Hebrew) Daughter of an oath
  12. Zaza – (Hebrew) Movement
  13. Hadassah – (Hebrew) Myrtle tree
  14. Paz – (Hebrew, Spanish) Gold, Peace
  15. Aphra – (Hebrew) Dust
  16. Lisa – (Hebrew) Pledged to God
  17. Rani – (Hindi, Hebrew) Queen, She is singing
  18. Jerusha – (Hebrew) Inheritance
  19. Ziva – (Slavic) Living

Elegant Hebrew Girl Names

If you want a name that feels graceful and poised, you’ll definitely find some great ideas here!

  1. Tallie – (Hebrew) Gentle dew from heaven
  2. Thirza – (Hebrew, English) Delightful, Harvest
  3. Josepha – (Hebrew) Jehovah increases
  4. Zipporah – (Hebrew) Bird
  5. Lilibet – (Hebrew) Pledged to God
  6. Rebekah – (Hebrew) To tie, bind
  7. Beulah – (Hebrew) Married
  8. Tibbie – (Hebrew) Pledged to God
  9. Mattie – (German, Hebrew) Mighty in battle, Gift of Yahweh
  10. Riah – (Hebrew) The Lord has remembered
  11. Elliot – (Hebrew) The Lord id my God
  12. Joanna/ Johanna – (Hebrew, Greek) God is gracious
  13. Debs – (Hebrew) Bee
  14. Mahala – (Hebrew, Arabic) Tender
  15. Betta – (Hebrew) Pledged to God
  16. Hephzibah – (Hebrew) My delight is in her
  17. Bessie – (Hebrew) Pledged to God
  18. Jody – (Hebrew) Jehovah increases, Praised
  19. Susanna – (Hebrew) Lily

Unique Hebrew Girl Names

Hebrew names like Shoshana or Ziva are awesome for parents who want something special that you don’t hear all the time.

It’s a cool way to give your daughter a name that’s totally one-of-a-kind without it feeling weird or out there.

  1. Eliska – (Czech, Slovak, Hebrew) Pledged to God
  2. Orpah – (Hebrew) A fawn
  3. Neriah – (Hebrew) Light of Jehovah
  4. Sarai – (Hebrew) Princess
  5. Areli – (Hebrew) Vision of God, Lion of God, Golden
  6. Mahalia – (Hebrew) Tenderness, Affection
  7. Bara – (Hebrew, Japanese) To select, Rose
  8. Keisha – (Hebrew) Cassia, Cinnamon
  9. Lizbeth – (Hebrew) Pledged to god
  10. Shifra – (Hebrew) Handsome, Good
  11. Mehitabel – (Hebrew) God rejoices
  12. Evana – (Hebrew, Welsh) God is gracious
  13. Benaiah – (Hebrew) Built by God
  14. Machi – (Japanese) Fortunate child
  15. Jayne – (Hebrew) God is gracious
  16. Sabella – (Hebrew) Consecrated to God, God’s promise
  17. Kizzy – (Hebrew) Cassia tree, Cinnamon
  18. Elula – (Hebrew) Derivative of the name of 6th month on the Hebrew Calendar
  19. Hepzibah – (Hebrew) My delight is in her

Modern Hebrew Girl Names

If you’re searching for a girl’s name that has a fresh vibe but still has some tradition behind it, modern Hebrew girl names are a great pick!

  1. Keryn – (Danish) Pure, Dark, Neolithic monument
  2. Galilea – (Hebrew, Israeli) Galilee
  3. Mazikeen – (Hebrew) Harmful spirits
  4. Malka – (Hebrew) Queen
  5. Bette – (Hebrew) God’s promise
  6. Zion – (Hebrew) Highest point
  7. Adalee – (Hebrew) Noble, Meadow, Clearing
  8. Jozie – (Hebrew) God will increase
  9. Jordan – (English, Hebrew) Flowing down
  10. Nazareth – (Hebrew) Hebrew place name, Branches, Consecrated
  11. Cohen – (Hebrew) Priest
  12. Jayla – (Hebrew) To ascend
  13. Rae – (English) Ewe
  14. Hosanna – (Hebrew) Deliver us
  15. Jayden – (Hebrew) Thankful
  16. Selah – (Hebrew) Praise, Pause
  17. Aviana – (Hebrew, Celtic) To breathe, Radiant, Beautiful
  18. Janelle – (Hebrew) God is gracious
  19. Tova – (Hebrew) Good, Pleasing
  20. Eliana – (Hebrew) My God has answered
See also  Rare and Exotic Girl Names That Stand Out

If you want to stay ahead of the baby name game while picking something that really lasts, these trendy Hebrew girl names are a solid choice!

Trendy Hebrew Baby Girl Names
  1. Samara – (Hebrew, Arabic) Companion in night conversation
  2. Sapphire – (Hebrew, Greek, Latin) Blue
  3. Elisabeth – (Hebrew) Pledged to God
  4. Azaria – (Hebrew) Helped by God
  5. Eden – (Hebrew) Place of pleasure, Delight
  6. Azael – (Greek, Hebrew) One who decides
  7. Chaya – (Hebrew) Life
  8. Davina – (Hebrew) Little deer
  9. Mariam – (Arabic, Hebrew) Drop of the sea, Bitter or Beloved
  10. Dani – (Hebrew) God is my Judge
  11. Zyon – (Hebrew) Highest point
  12. Sariah – (Hebrew) Princess, God is ruler, Night Traveler
  13. Elyse – (Variation of Elise or Elysia) Pledged to God
  14. Maryam – (Hebrew, Arabic, Iranian) Drop of the sea, bitter, or beloved
  15. Judith – (Hebrew) Woman from Judea
  16. Mikayla – (Hebrew) Who is like God
  17. Isabela – (Hebrew) God’s promise
  18. Dalia – (Hebrew, Spanish, Swahili) Branch, Dahlia, Gentle
  19. Aya – (Japanese, Hebrew, Arabic) Colorful, Bird, Sign
  20. Miriam – (Hebrew, Egyptian) Drop of the sea, Bitter, Beloved
  21. Arielle – (French) Lion of God
  22. Dorrit – (Hebrew) Gift of God
  23. Isobel – (Scottish) Pledged to God

Unisex Hebrew Girl Names

Names like Ariel and Eliya have this awesome gender-neutral vibe that’s really popular right now.

It’s such a fun way to ditch the usual traditional names and go for something fresh and modern.

Plus, unisex names are great if you want your kid to have the freedom to shape their own identity!

  1. Adel – (Hebrew) God is eternal, Noble
  2. Jordyn – (Hebrew) Flowing down
  3. Michele – (French) Who is like God
  4. Jessy – (Hebrew) The Lord exists, God’s gift
  5. Noe – (Hebrew) Rest, Repose, Peaceful
  6. Yehudit – (Hebrew) He will be praised, Woman of Judea
  7. Dara – (Hebrew, Slavic, Irish) Pearl of wisdom, Gift, Oak tree
  8. Peri – (Greek, Hebrew, Persian) Mountain dweller, Fruit, Fairy
  9. Jodi – (Hebrew) Praised
  10. Cohan – (Irish) Wild goose
  11. Jorden – (Hebrew) Down-flowing, Descend
  12. Sima – (Hebrew) Treasure, precious
  13. Jordie – (Hebrew) Down-flowing
  14. Koren – (Hebrew) Pure, Shining, Beaming, Bright
  15. Amaris – (Hebrew) Promised by God
  16. Jamia – (Hebrew) He who supplants
  17. Roni – (Hebrew) My song or my joy
  18. Jaimi – (Hebrew) He who supplants

Magical Hebrew Girl Names

If you have a soft spot for names that feel whimsical and full of wonder, magical Hebrew girl names are pure perfection.

  1. Samantha – (Hebrew) Told by God
  2. Alona – (Hebrew, Irish) Oak tree, Little rock, Harmony
  3. Avalee – (Hebrew) To live, Breath, Vapor, Meadow
  4. Ayla – (Hebrew, Turkish) Oak tree, Halo, Moonlight
  5. Daya – (Hindi) Compassionate
  6. Avia – (Latin, Hebrew) Bird, God is my father
  7. Kaylie – (Arabic, Hebrew) Laurel, Crown
  8. Abby – (Hebrew) My father is joyful
  9. Afra – (Arabic, Hebrew) Color of earth, Dust
  10. Navi – (Hebrew) To name
  11. Nissa – (Hebrew) To test
  12. Jezebel – (Hebrew) Not exalted
  13. Astera – (Hebrew) Aster
  14. Livana – (Hebrew) The moon, white
  15. Mara – (Hebrew) Bitter
  16. Yona – (Cherokee, Hebrew) Bear; dove
  17. Elissa – (Greek) From the Blessed Isles, God is My Oath
  18. Jana – (Hebrew) God is gracious, Showed favor
  19. Elyssa – (Hebrew) God is my oath
  20. Dagan – (Hebrew) Corn, Grain

I love how these names have that mystical feel but are still connected to tradition.

Royal Hebrew Girl Names

Hebrew girl names like Batya, which means “daughter of God,” or Malka, meaning “queen,” totally give off that regal vibe—strong and graceful at the same time.

If you want your daughter’s name to have that royal flair, Hebrew names with a royal touch are the perfect pick!

  1. Saralee – (Hebrew) Princess, Meadow
  2. Liora – (Hebrew) Light
  3. Salma – (Arabic) Safe
  4. Suri – (Hebrew) Princess
  5. Ameerah – (Hebrew) Princess, Leader, Prosperous
  6. Neila – (Hebrew) Locking, Closing
  7. Sarina – (Hebrew) Princess, Wreath of roses, Serene
  8. Lilibeth – (Hebrew) Pledged to God
  9. Sera – (Hebrew) Princess
  10. Amera – (Hebrew) Princess; Treetop
  11. Rayna – (Hebrew) Song of the Lord
  12. Sara – (Hebrew) Princess
  13. Sharai – (Hebrew) Princess
  14. Sariyah – (Arabic) Night traveler, Night rain
  15. Saramae – (Hebrew) Princess of May, Mint

Nature Inspired Hebrew Girl Names

Names like Dalia (which means “flower”) or Tzvia (which means “deer”) really link your kiddo to the beauty of the natural world while also giving a nod to their cultural roots.

See also  Beautiful Biblical Girl Names For Your Little Angel

If you’re into nature and want to show that love through your child’s name, these Hebrew nature-inspired options are totally awesome!

Hebrew Girl Names Inspired by Nature
  1. Rimona – (Hebrew) Pomegranate
  2. Sabra – (Hebrew) Prickly pear
  3. Arava – (Hebrew) Willow
  4. Nima – (Hebrew, Arabic, Hindi) Thread, Hair, Blessing, Margosa tree
  5. Arda – (Turkish, Hebrew, English) Scepter, Bronze, Forest
  6. Vered – (Hebrew) Rose
  7. Tirzah – (Hebrew) Delight
  8. Ardith – (Hebrew) Flowering field
  9. Nizana – (Hebrew) A flower bud
  10. Kelilah – (Hebrew) Crown, laurel
  11. Suzanne – (French) Lily
  12. Malina – (Hebrew, Slavic) Of the tower, Soothing, Raspberry
  13. Ilana – (Hebrew) Oak tree
  14. Abelia – (Hebrew) Sigh, Breath
  15. Carmelita – (Hebrew) Garden
  16. Eila – (Hebrew, Norwegian) Oak tree, Bright, Shining light
  17. Carmel – (Hebrew) Garden
  18. Zetta – (Hebrew) Olive
  19. Kezia – (Hebrew) Cassia tree

Exotic Hebrew Girl Names

For those of us who love names that feel a little more out-of-the-box, exotic Hebrew names like following are simply stunning.

They have such an awesome sound and really grab your attention, perfect for parents looking for something bold and unforgettable for their baby girl.

  1. Adin – (Hebrew) Little fiery one, Faith, Everlasting bliss
  2. Hanna – (Swiss) God has favored me, Favor, Grace
  3. Lili – (Hebrew) Oath of God
  4. Liza – (Hebrew) Pledged to God
  5. Elza – (Hebrew) God is my joy
  6. Ela – (Hebrew) Terebinth tree
  7. Gavi – (Hebrew) God is my strength
  8. Liz – (Hebrew) God’s promise
  9. Yanis – (Hebrew, Swiss) God is gracious
  10. Este – (Hebrew, Persian) Star
  11. Romi – (Hebrew) My height, My exaltation
  12. Shilo – (Hebrew) His gift
  13. Orli – (Hebrew) Light
  14. Janna – (Hebrew) God is gracious
  15. Iana – (Latin, Slavic) God is gracious
  16. Shira – (Hebrew) My song
  17. Gali – (Hebrew) Wave
  18. Shula – (Arabic, Hebrew) Flame, Peace
  19. Ori – (Hebrew) My light, Golden

Strong Hebrew Girl Names

Names like Chava and Devorah give off such a vibe of resilience and inner strength, which I totally love.

If you’re on the hunt for a name for your daughter that feels bold, strong, and has a cool history, these are perfect!

  1. Ara – (Armenian) King
  2. Ezri – (Hebrew) Help
  3. Gabriella – (Italian, Hebrew) God is my strength
  4. Briella – (Hebrew) God is my strength
  5. Ziv – (Hebrew) Brilliance
  6. Keren – (Hebrew) Strength, power, Ram’s horn, Ray of light
  7. Aziza – (Arabic) Powerful, Beloved
  8. Etana – (Hebrew) Strength of purpose
  9. Lior – (Hebrew) I have a light
  10. Adira – (Hebrew) Strong
  11. Gomer – (Hebrew) To complete
  12. Shoshana – (Hebrew) Lily
  13. Sheba – (Hebrew) Daughter of an oath
  14. Alize – (Hebrew, French) Joyful, Nobility
  15. Maven – (Hebrew) One who understands
  16. Elan – (Native American) Tree, Oak tree, Friendly
  17. Riva – (Hebrew) Maiden
  18. Era – (Hebrew) Awake, Guardian, Wind

Hipster Hebrew Names

If you’re into names that feel trendy but aren’t super common, then hipster Hebrew names are definitely the way to go.

  1. Amira – (Hebrew, Arabic) Princess
  2. Joni – (English) God is gracious
  3. Jemima – (Hebrew) Dove
  4. Ariella – (Hebrew) Lion of God
  5. Amalia – (German) Work
  6. Zahara – (Hebrew, Swahili) To shine, Flower
  7. Vanya – (Hebrew) God is gracious

Celebrity Hebrew Girl Names

If you want to channel your favorite stars while keeping things meaningful, these celebrity-inspired Hebrew names are a great pick.

  1. Ariela – (Hebrew) Lion of God
  2. Shai – (Hebrew) Gift
  3. Madelyn – (Hebrew, English) Woman from Magdala, High tower
  4. Avri – (Hebrew) Of Aviva, Springtime, Of Avril; April
  5. Mickey – (Hebrew) Who resembles God?
  6. Madilyn – (Hebrew) Woman from Magdala
  7. Josey – (Hebrew) He will add, Fame or praise taken away
  8. Simcha – (Hebrew) Happiness, Joy

Bohemian Hebrew Girl Names

Hebrew names like Shira or Zohara totally capture that vibe. They’re earthy and grounded but also have this mystical, artistic touch that makes them really special.

  1. Noa – (Hebrew) Motion
  2. Zara – (Hebrew, Arabic) Blooming flower, God remembers
  3. Jessa – (Hebrew) He sees, God beholds
  4. Uma – (Sanskrit, Hebrew) Light, Peace, Nation
  5. Monet – (Hebrew) Hearing, Flat-nosed
  6. Zadie – (English) Princess

Wrap Up

Hey there! Thanks for hanging out with me while we explored some awesome Hebrew baby girl names!

I totally get that choosing the right name can be a bit stressful, but I hope this list made things easier—and maybe even a little fun!

Whether you’re leaning towards something classic and classy or hunting for a cool, unique name, I’m sure you’ll find something beautiful that’s just perfect for your little girl.

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